Our Specialist Industry Training Courses 

Human rights and modern labour training courses, created specifically for the your industry. From the human rights specialists.

Your industry:

Catering and food services

Every industry is different. That’s why we have created industry-specific human rights and modern slavery/ forced labour courses. These courses will help give your team the knowledge they need to identify and address human rights and modern slavery risks in your supply chain. Our Fundamentals courses are designed for the entire workforce while our Advanced courses are intended for employees most exposed to human rights risk. 

Why you need to implement forced labour training

There are 18 million victims of forced labour being exploited in business supply chains today. Forced labour is a form of modern slavery and it is prohibited under international law. To help end this abuse, companies need to train their employees, contractors and suppliers. Doing so will also support compliance with a growing number of human rights laws around the world, including the Canadian Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour Act and the US Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act.
Identifying and addressing forced labour risk can be hard, especially in complex global pharmaceuticals supply chains. At RightsDD, we have extensive experience supporting pharma companies to manage modern slavery risk. We have drawn upon this experience to create a course full of insights and practical guidance for pharma industry workers. 

Industry specific human rights and modern slavery training courses

Our courses examine case studies and high risk areas, products and services from your own industry’s supply chain. They also identify the most relevant risk treatments for your sector.

Our training delivery options

We offer both ‘out-of-box’ and tailored training solutions in the following formats: 
  • in-house training solutions, on site at your requested location
  • fully online training modules, from induction to advanced level
  • blended learning solutions supplementing online training with in-person or online workshops 
  • virtual training - live, interactive training sessions conducted online using platforms like Teams, Zoom or WebEx. 
Catering and food services
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